Friday, August 22, 2008

Acne Remedies – Home Remedies for Acne That are Cheap and Effective

Home Acne Remedies

There are a number of acne remedies that you can easily prepare at home. You don’t have to be a skin expert, immediately visit a professional or spend hundreds of dollars to get the results you need.

Some of the materials and methods incorporated in these acne remedies have been proven for many years and are considered very safe and effective. Try to mix your own concoction and find the best treatment that suits your skin type and needs.

Tea tree oil is one of the most popular home remedies for acne. There are various methods in applying this natural ingredient but the most effective would be topical use after it is diluted. Tea tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol which is a potent antibacterial agent that can kill bacteria and prevent future re-infection. Bacteria are one of the leading causes of pimples since these can clog and irritate pores. The ingredient is also very mild on the skin so people can actually use it regularly as a preventive measure for skin breakouts.

Apple cider vinegar is another cheap material that most kitchens have. It is found to be a great acne remedy as well. All you need to do is place some on a cotton ball and dab directly on the acne spots without rinsing. Allow the apple cider vinegar to treat your pimples overnight.

Some people prefer diluting the ingredient in clean water, washing their entire face with it then drying with a clean towel afterwards. Observe how your skin reacts to the treatment and make the necessary changes. Be careful about over-drying your skin which can make it peel or crack. There are several other natural ingredients at home known to be effective acne remedies such as zinc, green tea and garlic. Test which one renders the most noticeable results.(Author: Michael Lee)

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Best Home Remedy for Acne

Home Acne Remedies

After years of struggling with my acne, I finally took the time to research the home remedies that actually work. Now I finally have clear skin thanks to the wonderful acne home remedies I'll be sharing with you in this article. As much as you may hope there is a "magic bullet" that will cure all your acne problems, the truth is curing acne happens when you apply numerous remedies in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. There is no one best home remedy for acne. You should use trial and error to find which ones suit YOU best. Now without further ado, my favorite acne home remedies...

Oatmeal Mask

This is kind of a fun one. You make oatmeal at luke warm temperature and apply the oatmeal paste to your skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off the oatmeal with cold water and pat dry with a towel. The oatmeal will naturally moisturize the skin while absorbing impurities from your pores. It's a nice was to clean and moisturize your skin at the same time. Apply this oatmeal mask every night for two weeks and your complexion will be perfect.

Lemon Remedy

Cut a lemon wedge and gently rub it on your face. The acidity in the lemon will restore pH balance to your skin while naturally absorbing excess skin oil. Be on the lookout for possible over drying. If you experience over drying, apply an oil-free moisturizer to your face. Also, just an obvious heads up, avoid your eyes with the lemon.

Toothpaste Spot Treatment

Okay so it's the day before a big event and you just got a huge pimple on your face. You'll want to make sure you shrink that pimple as much as possible and as FAST as possible. The good news is, the toothpaste spot treatment works great for this. Make sure you use a toothpaste that is a "paste" by definition and not a "gel". Dab a small amount to the pimple and leave it on overnight. The alcohol and other acne fighting ingredients in the toothpaste will naturally go to work on the zit and have is reduced considerably by morning.

Are you ready to hear the rest of these home remedy for acne cures? You haven't even seen the best ones yet. Check out to find out my personal favorite. For me personally, it's been my best home remedy for acne.

Home Remedies For Acne Scars

Home Acne Remedies

A lot of people, and probably you too, are sick of all of the supposed remedies for acne scars that don't work. I do too so I know how you feel. What I did was this: I turned to the natural ones... the natural home remedies for acne scars. Simple.

That's because a lot of these "miracle cures" contain a lot of chemicals and things of the like, which usually do you more harm than good.

These home remedies have been passed down through generations for as long as acne has been in existence... they worked 50 years ago, why wouldn't they work today?

So, I bet you're wondering... What are these home treatments for acne scars?

Well, first of all, I'd like to say something.

If you stop the acne outbreaks in the first place, the scars will most likely heal by themselves. Impatience won't serve you when trying to heal acne scars, whether your solution is simply waiting or by some sort of home or other type of remedy or treatment.

Often, it can take 6 months even with using a natural home remedy, and even longer without one.

On another note, the actual home remedies for acne scars aren't just for acne scars. They will get you rid of your acne in the first place too, as well as keep your skin fresh and healthy even if you don't have any acne problems or any other type of skin issues.

So, for example, a common home remedy for acne scars is the cucumber and tomato juice mixture, works pretty good I'd say...

But what if I told you that you could get rid of your acne using only water?

I call it The Water Method and I invented it myself, and that's how I cured my acne and acne scars. Actually I used it in combination with the methods inside Chris Gibson's book: Acne Free In 3 Days.

Download your free report on the Water Method and read my complete Acne Free In 3 Days Review right here:

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Home Acne Remedies

Home Acne Remedies

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

5 Effective Home Remedies To Help You Stop Sweating In Excess

Home Acne Remedies

Sweating is a very normal process of our bodily mechanism. Sweat keeps us cool and acts as a natural defense mechanism. However when sweating occurs excessively, it can create a new problem that can make life difficult for you. If you are troubled by excessive sweating, it may be comforting to know that there are plenty of natural and effective home made remedies to help you stop sweating in excess. While these home made concoctions may sound like an ancient esoteric formula that originates from your grandmothers kitchen, never disregard their effectiveness in helping you overcome excessive sweating, even in todays high-tech modern world.

If you are looking for some effective home remedies to help you stop sweating in excess, check out five of the most popular solutions you can try out for yourself.

1. The Magic of Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey This concoction is meant to be ingested orally. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with two teaspoons of raw, organic, honey. Take the formula three times a day on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal or after each meal. You can expect to see results within a week. There is another bonus effect from this method of treatment, as it tends to fire up your metabolism! And that simply translates to more energy, vigor and more fat-burning power.
2. Harness the Power of Activated Charcoal This home-made remedy can be used to treat your problem, from the inside out. Results can be seen within two days and you can expect your sweating problems to be reduced to a significant amount. However do take note of a few precautionary measures. It is advisable to take charcoal on an empty stomach. However if it results in some undesirable conditions such as vomiting or tummy pain, change your time of intake to midday or even before you retire to bed.
3. Liquid chlorophyll and Sage Fluid Extract The powerful combination liquid chlorophyll and sage fluid extract has been proven time and again as an excellent remedy for over sweating problems. What you need is just one teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll and one tiny milliliters of sage extract (you can use a dropper to achieve this) and mix it with a glass of delicious orange juice or any other fruit juices that you may fancy.
4. Tomato juice The good old juicy tomato may be beneficial for your skin and eyes, but they are excellent to combat excessive sweating problems. Start a one-week regimen of drinking pure, freshly grated tomato juice for one whole week. Then you may begin to alternate the drinks every other day for the following week. Just watch how much progress you have made in your quest to fight excessive sweating problems.
5. The Cotton Pads Treatment For external treatment, you can grab some cotton wool pads and soak them in baking soda, with lemon juice and dab it on your underarms. This is a marvelous way to reduce body odor and perspiration while giving you a clean, fresh and tingly feeling all day long! These are merely some of the popular home made remedies to help you stop excessive sweating. It doesnt hurt to experiment some of these treatments yourself and see which is the most suitable for your condition. Finally, use your common sense and avoid foods that can aggravate your excessive sweating problem such as spicy, curry and pepper.

About the Author:
Find out more about the excess sweat condition, excessive facial sweating and the excessive foot sweating at ExcessiveSweatingInfo.Com
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Home Acne Remedies