Thursday, August 21, 2008

Best Home Remedy for Acne

Home Acne Remedies

After years of struggling with my acne, I finally took the time to research the home remedies that actually work. Now I finally have clear skin thanks to the wonderful acne home remedies I'll be sharing with you in this article. As much as you may hope there is a "magic bullet" that will cure all your acne problems, the truth is curing acne happens when you apply numerous remedies in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. There is no one best home remedy for acne. You should use trial and error to find which ones suit YOU best. Now without further ado, my favorite acne home remedies...

Oatmeal Mask

This is kind of a fun one. You make oatmeal at luke warm temperature and apply the oatmeal paste to your skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off the oatmeal with cold water and pat dry with a towel. The oatmeal will naturally moisturize the skin while absorbing impurities from your pores. It's a nice was to clean and moisturize your skin at the same time. Apply this oatmeal mask every night for two weeks and your complexion will be perfect.

Lemon Remedy

Cut a lemon wedge and gently rub it on your face. The acidity in the lemon will restore pH balance to your skin while naturally absorbing excess skin oil. Be on the lookout for possible over drying. If you experience over drying, apply an oil-free moisturizer to your face. Also, just an obvious heads up, avoid your eyes with the lemon.

Toothpaste Spot Treatment

Okay so it's the day before a big event and you just got a huge pimple on your face. You'll want to make sure you shrink that pimple as much as possible and as FAST as possible. The good news is, the toothpaste spot treatment works great for this. Make sure you use a toothpaste that is a "paste" by definition and not a "gel". Dab a small amount to the pimple and leave it on overnight. The alcohol and other acne fighting ingredients in the toothpaste will naturally go to work on the zit and have is reduced considerably by morning.

Are you ready to hear the rest of these home remedy for acne cures? You haven't even seen the best ones yet. Check out to find out my personal favorite. For me personally, it's been my best home remedy for acne.

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